Meriden Health & Human Services Department News
Web Site:
165 Miller St.,
Meriden, CT 06450
Tel: (203) 630-4226
Fax: (203) 639-0039
MDHHS is committed to improving the quality of life for all it serves through the promotion of health, prevention of disease, and by assuring a safe and clean environment.
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Meriden Health Dept- 13 Orange St, Meriden COVID-19 Testing Site Last Week of Operation
December 26, 2022
This will be the last week for the WREN LAB COVID-19 testing site at 13 Orange Street, Meriden. Their last day will be on Dec. 29, 3-6pm, for testing. The state will be announcing 4 federally qualified health care centers (FQHC's) that will offer COVID testing at no cost.This information be posted on the City's COVID-19 webpage. 2-1-1 no longer maintains a list of COVID-19 testing sites. MidState still offers testing: information can be found here.
COVID-19 home test kits are available at 165 Miller Street (must be used by Jan. 28, 2023). The city is holding a distribution Dec. 27, from 4-6pm at 165 Miller Street. You can also order 4 free tests here.
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