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Meriden Health & Human Services Department News

Web Site: http://www.meridenhealth.com
165 Miller St., Meriden, CT 06450
Tel: (203) 630-4226 Fax: (203) 639-0039

MDHHS is committed to improving the quality of life for all it serves through the promotion of health, prevention of disease, and by assuring a safe and clean environment.

 View all News Articles for Meriden Health & Human Services Department

COVID-19 Updated Quarantine Guidance

August 17, 2022

COVID-19 Updated Quarantine Guidance.

The CDC announced on August 11, 2022 that quarantine is no longer recommended for those that have been exposed to COVID-19. The CDC does recommend that those who were exposed wear a mask for 10 days when around others, and monitor for symptoms. If symptoms develop, the person is to test and stay home until test results are obtained. A test on Day 6 is recommended, even if symptoms do not develop. For more information visit the CDC's website.

Isolation is still recommended for those that have tested positive. Visit the CDC's website for isolation guidance.


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