Meriden Health & Human Services Department News
Web Site:
165 Miller St.,
Meriden, CT 06450
Tel: (203) 630-4226
Fax: (203) 639-0039
MDHHS is committed to improving the quality of life for all it serves through the promotion of health, prevention of disease, and by assuring a safe and clean environment.
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"Trail Tuesdays" - Meriden Movers Community Walking Program
January 4, 2009
From March 31 to July 14, a walking group will be meeting at the Quinnipiac River Linear Walking Trail (corner of Oregon Rd. & Rt 70, So. Meriden) on Tuesdays for a group walk. Dress for the weather, bring a water bottle. Go at your own pace. Dogs on leashes (bring a ""mutt mit"") and strollers are welcome! Walks will be cancelled if it rains. Call 630-4238 for more information. The walking group is open to people of all ages and activity levels. Attend 5 walks and get a Meriden Movers t-shirt! Limited quantities and sizes available.
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