TriCircle News
Web Site:
169 Colony Street,
Rm 28,
Meriden, CT 06451
Tel: (860) 349-7074
We inspire individuals and families to overcome the disease of addiction by creating real long-term solutions.
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TriCircle Offers Memorial Quilt Project
June 16, 2024
Crafted with love, this quilt provides a space for individuals and families to remember and memorialize their loved one(s) who have died due to a drug or alcohol-related passing. TheTriCircle Memorial Quilt is displayed at events in hopes of reducing the stigma surrounding addiction, allowing for open conversations that will uplift loved ones so they are not gone in vain, and advocating for long-term solutions in care and recovery.TriCircle deeply values the support and contributions of everyone involved in creating our first quilt. The idea for TriCircle's quilts was made possible in 2017 following the statewide Remembrance Quilt Initiative by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, with resources from Connecticut Clearinghouse.
If interested in creating a quilt square dedicated to a loved one please reach out to Tricircle. Visit, call (860)349-7074 or email
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