Meriden Public Library News
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105 Miller Street,
Meriden, CT 06450
- 4213
Tel: (203) 630-4621
Fax: (203) 238-6950
Our library is a center for information, community activities, independent learning and family literacy providing free access to books, audio and visual recordings, educational programs, and digital information accessed by ever-changing technology.
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The Evening of Celebration sponsored by the Meride ...
August 9, 1999
The Evening of Celebration sponsored by the Meriden Public Library will offer a wide variety of activities during its Evening of Celebration on September 17, 1999. Among these will be an arts and crafts fair and exhibit, several musical and theatre groups, a children's fair, food locations, and free shuttle bus service, Buttons for admission to all events will be available August 15th for adults at $ 5 and free for children. A current list of sponsors includes the City of Meriden, Friends of the Meriden Public Library, the Library, Napier Foundation, the "Record-Journal", the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, Carriage House Day Care, Kelli's A Salon, Southern CT Library Council and Law Offices of Solomon, Krupnikoff & Wyskiel. The drug and alcohol free evening of celebration will feature events at a dozen downtown Meriden locations. For more information, contact the Library at (203) 238-2344, Ext. 16.
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