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MidState ARC, Inc. News

Web Site: http://www.midstatearc.org/
74 South Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450 - 6545
Tel: (203) 238-8362 Fax: (203) 639-0946

Providing residential, recreational, community and employment supports to adults and children with intellectual disabilities.

 View all News Articles for MidState ARC, Inc.

Catering by the Arc Eatery

July 19, 2017

The Eatery at the MidState ARC is pleased to provide for all your food service needs. Whether you need a catered lunch for 10 or service for an elegant soiree of 100; they have you covered.

Please call to discuss pricing for your event. As all of their cooking is done á la minute and from scratch, a 24 hour notice is required for most orders. Notable dishes include, wraps, panini, green salads, and various hot dishes.

We proudly serve Coke products.

Thank you for choosing the ARC Eatery.

ARC Eatery also provides daily lunches on premises. They are located at 200 Research Parkway, Meriden. Stop by and meet their new Executive Chef, Joseph Flaherty or contact him at (203) 206-7199.


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